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Several newer varieties of hearing aids are equipped with Bluetooth capabilities: maybe your device already has it. Bluetooth is most often associated with cell phone use, but it is also widely seen in mp3 players, televisions, computers and home phones. If your hearing aid offers Bluetooth, you can connect with these devices in new and practical ways, providing increased enjoyment and a richer experience.

A hearing aid’s Bluetooth capabilities are generally accessed by a separate device which is both small and simple to operate. These devices are usually kept in a pocket or worn around the neck. The controller’s job is to receive signals from other Bluetooth-enabled devices and transmit them wirelessly to your hearing aids. This allows you to hear your phone, TV, or other Bluetooth-compatible device without needing to turn the volume up. Among the best features of having hearing aids that can receive Bluetooth signals is that you can listen to mobile phone conversations in both ears, which makes it even easier to hear your caller.

Bluetooth controllers are made to be user friendly. Most controllers detect Bluetooth signals at the push of a button. For example, if you want to listen to your telephone through your hearing aid, simply push the phone button to access it. Your hearing aid manufacturer may have integrated other functions with this device, making it easy to use other benefits with one controller.

Bluetooth enabled hearing aids can be particularly useful for older people with mobility problems. Recent models make it possible to connect to devices that are up to 30 feet away, meaning that you can place or answer a telephone call without needing to stand up from a chair. In an emergency situation, this feature could be lifesaving.

Bluetooth-enabled hearing aid provide a high-quality listening experience which is tough or impossible to imitate using any other technology. This straightforward technology solution can drastically improve your ability to hear, allowing you to enjoy encounters that may have once been unattainable.

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